Demand for gut health products continues to drive the probiotics category. The strain LP299V® is the most clinically documented probiotic L. plantarum strain in the world. It was discovered 30 years ago and is still in the market delivering health benefits to consumers around the world. Why? Because it works!
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Because local laws and regulations related to the distribution, marketing and sale of ingredients and finished products vary, Probi disclaims any regulatory compliance, warranties, product guidance or instruction of any kind. This brochure is provided for business-to-business communication and educational purposes only without warranties of any kind. Users should seek legal and/or regulatory advice prior to the market introduction of any Probi strain and before use of any claims to ensure compliance and thereafter on an ongoing basis when required.
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The most documented L. plantarum strain in the world, related to gut health. LP299V® probiotic strain is suitable for dietary...
The gut microbiota is highly diverse, hosting billions of bacteria, both harmful and beneficial. Maintaining balance between the...
Discover resources for probiotic scientific knowledge, probiotic product development, probiotic manufacturing and more.